Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Principles: Fluidity

       It has been said that a dancer must have more than mastery of technique; they must be art in motion.  Have you ever been awestruck by an athlete, a dancer, or a bird in flight? What is the difference between someone with impeccable technique and someone who moves seemingly effortlessly and with unparalleled grace?  One difference is fluidity, or the ability to coordinate movements so that each one blends seamlessly into the next. 
      So what does this have to do with you and your Pilates workout? Everything!  Fluidity ties in with the principle of control (see our September Newsletter) as well as with the principle of precision (look for it in January), yet has its own nuances.  Like muscular control and precision, fluidity will help you get the most out of your workout and prevent injuries. Like control and precision, fluidity requires your movements to be calculated and exact, yet seemingly effortless.  What this principle emphasizes, however, is the transition from one movement to the next, the space between movements.  Fluidity is about moving in an even steady rhythm and with mindfulness.  It is about transitioning from one motion to the next as if they are one movement.
      In your next Pilates workout notice the space between your movements.  Do you stop and start, make jarring or jerking motions where a more rounded motion is desired?  That's perfectly okay.  We all do at times, even the Pilates "masters."  This is not about judging yourself.  It is about awareness, and in that awareness you have the power to make a conscious change.  When you notice yourself being less than fluid, imagine what a more fluid motion might look like and feel like and work towards moving your body in that same way.  The more you practice, the more familiar your body will become with the idea of moving with intent.
      The idea of fluidity is not limited to our physical motion.  Joseph Pilates designed this system to educate our body, mind, and spirit.  One way to develop greater fluidity in your physical body is to practice fluidity in your thoughts and emotions.  When you allow everything to be exactly as it is with no need to subjugate or force a different outcome, you are practicing fluidity in your mind, and this in turn will lead to fluidity in your body.  Every time you notice where you can be more fluid in your body, pause and reflect on your accomplishments too, and be grateful for the many gifts you have been given.  You can breathe, walk, sing, dance and create!  It is wonderful to want to work toward improvements in all areas of your life, but it is just as important to honor and appreciate where you are right at this moment and all you have done to get here.  Maybe, just maybe, as you think about everything you are grateful for and allow your mind to be fluid you will notice your body following suit.

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